
Best Cities For Jobs: Growth In America Is Tilting To Smaller Cities

Cameron Torabi • December 6, 2024

Best Cities For Jobs: Growth In America Is Tilting To Smaller Cities

By Joel Kotkin and Michael Shires of Forbes

We are often told that America’s future lies in our big cities. That may no longer be entirely true. Some of the strongest job creation and population growth is now occurring in cities of 1 million people or less.

In this year’s edition of our Best Cities For Jobs survey, we found that six of the 10 metropolitan areas with the fastest job growth are either mid-sized (150,000 to 450,000 total nonfarm jobs) or smaller (less than 150,000 nonfarm jobs). They also account for 18 out of the top 30. Smaller metro areas dominated job growth in a number of sectors, including manufacturing (all the top 20), information (all of the top 10) jobs and, less surprisingly, natural resources, construction and mining.

These trends are also reflected in the new U.S. Census Bureau metropolitan area population estimates for 2017, which show a significant increase in domestic migration away from the 53 major metropolitan areas with populations over a million and toward the 54 middle-sized metro areas in the 500,000 to 1 million range. In 2017, the midsize metro areas gained 271,000 more net domestic migrants than the major metro areas. (The biggest two, New York and Los Angeles, had an enormous net loss of 209,000 -- 0.95% of their combined populations).

This is a major shift from earlier in the decade, when the 53 major metro areas had greater net domestic migration than the 54 midsize metro areas. In fact, since 2012, net domestic migration in the major metropolitan areas have dropped every year. By 2016, the major metropolitan areas had a net domestic migration loss of 67,000, which accelerated to 166,000 in 2017. In contrast, the middle-sized metropolitan areas have experienced annual increases in net domestic migration each year since 2012.


Our ranking of the Best Cities For Jobs is based on short-, medium- and long-term job creation, going back to 2006, and factors in momentum — whether job growth is slowing or accelerating. We have compiled separate rankings for America’s 71 largest metropolitan statistical areas (those with nonfarm employment over 450,000), which was our focus last week, as well as medium-size metro areas (between 150,000 and 450,000 nonfarm jobs) and small ones (less than 150,000 nonfarm jobs) in order to make the comparisons more relevant to each category. For a more detailed description of our methodology, click here.

Emerging Business Hubs

Perhaps even more than bigger places, successful small and mid-sized cities vary dramatically in what drives their economy and who they attract. Some are largely retirement and tourist locations, others rely on energy or manufacturing, while a handful are emerging as technology and business hubs.

Provo-Orem, Utah, which takes the crown as 2018’s overall best city for jobs in our survey of 422 metro areas, is a case study for how a smaller community can become a prosperous business hub. Its population has been growing at one of the fastest clips in the country, expanding 2.6% last year to 617,000, with net in-migration rates among the highest in country. Its job count grew a remarkable 4.3% last year and more than 35% over the last decade.

Equally critical, this job growth has been highly diversified, including rapid expansion in two critical high-wage sectors, professional and business services (up 33% since 2012) and information (up 37.6% since 2012). The area’s appeal stems in part from Brigham Young University and an attractive location nestled against the Wasatch Mountains. The predominantly Mormon business and civic culture, which stresses education, personal responsibility and enterprise, may be contributing to growth, as well as high birthrates.

Ranking second among mid-size metro areas and 10th overall is Fayetteville-Springdale-Rogers, an Ozarks Mountains region that sprawls through the northwestern corner of Arkansas to across the Missouri border. The area’s economy is driven largely by Wal-Mart, whose headquarters are in Bentonville, with Tyson Foods, located in Springdale, another major corporate presence. But both corporate heavyweights have fueled job growth in diverse areas.

Gallery: The Best Midsize Cities For Jobs 2018

The Fayetteville area’s job count expanded 2.1% last year and is up more than 20% since 2012, with strong growth in professional and business services, wholesale trade and finance, bringing high-wage employment to this once-poor region. Like Provo, the metro area of roughly 500,000 people is adding residents at among the fastest rates in the country.

Beautiful And Growing

There’s a large contingent placing highly on our list of small cities in attractive areas that are relatively inexpensive. Typifying this trend is Greeley, Colo., which ranks second among small cities and third overall, rising over 100 places on our overall list since the last edition. Its job count grew a whopping 5.6% last year to 106,700, paced by the strong bounce back of its oil and gas sector thanks to higher oil prices; Greeley also attracts movers from other regions and retirees who like its low prices and easy lifestyle.

Typically, growth in these amenity regions is tilted toward construction, health and leisure and hospitality. Leisure and hospitality spending have risen nearly 30% since 2012 nationwide.

Gallery: The Top 15 Small Cities For Jobs 2018

Boise, Idaho, which ranks third among midsize metro areas and 12th overall, may be the most balanced and dynamic of this cohort. The area continues to attract migrants from the rest of country, including many retirees. It ranked second out of the largest 1,907 regions in the nation last year in rate of population growth and fifth in net migration rate. Boise posted 4.2% job growth last year and 19.9% since 2012, saw big jumps not only in construction and health but information, manufacturing and business services as well. Being attractive to boomers, it appears, does not necessarily mean flagging growth.

Material Metros

Many small cities have been built around resource industries and manufacturing. Places like Midland-Odessa, Texas, Bismarck, N.D., and Lafayette, La., rose high on our list along with the price of oil earlier in the decade due to their intense dependence on energy industries. The oil bust led to slower growth. Midland which ranked first in 2015 overall, has dropped down to a still respectable 38th this year, but looks poised to move higher again, with things looking up in the oil patch; after losing 2.2% of its jobs in 2016, employment shot up a remarkable 10.5% last year.

Lake Charles, La., ranked second on our overall list, epitomizes the great opportunity that the shale revolution is bringing to certain communities. The area is bristling with new facilities to process and ship natural gas -- a big winner in the race to replace far dirtier coal for electricity – and use it to produce petrochemicals. There are, according to Site Selection Magazine, $43 billion in capital investment projects under construction, plus another $74 billion in projects announced or pending final approval, in the area.

These projects have boosted employment in a big way. Since 2012 employment has surged 27.4%, and over 5% last year. Natural resource and construction employment has led the way, up 140% since 2012. Other industries, notably manufacturing, have also expanded smartly.

Other smaller cities are also growing from the resurgence in U.S. manufacturing. Auburn-Opelika, Ala., which ranks sixth in our small city list and 19th overall, has attracted a diverse group of industrial firms, including some from Germany and South Korea. Since 2012, employment has grown by 17.8% to 65,300 jobs, but manufacturing employment expanded an impressive 22%. Seeking to cultivate its position as an industrial center, Auburn University, another linchpin of the economy, has opened an engineering program to serve manufacturers which include leading companies like General Electric.

A more traditional industrial success story can be found in Elkhart-Goshen Ind., which ranks 20th overall and seventh on the small city list. Manufacturers here tend to be in autos or plastics, and are largely locally owned companies like Thor Industries, which employs 13,000 in the area, and Forest River, with 5,000 jobs as well as a host of smaller suppliers. Last year the area’s job count grew 4.9%, and it has expanded 22.1% since 2012, with 35% growth in manufacturing jobs.

The biggest long-term winner in our survey, Reno, Nev., is far from the Rust Belt or the Southern manufacturing boom. Ranking 43rd on our total list, and 33rd on the mid-sized list, Reno has long been trying to find itself since it lost the gambling business to Las Vegas. The announcement in 2014 of the construction of Tesla’s gigabit-1 battery factory could prove many struggling smaller cities pray for -- a game changer. The construction of the factory has provided over 4,000 local jobs and is expected to support close to 10,000 jobs when complete, up from a previous estimate of 6,500 jobs.

With generally higher wages, and greater STEM employment, the Tesla factory is already changing Reno. Last year’s job growth of 4.9% equals the total job growth the area logged in the previous decade. Manufacturing growth has been 30.2% since 2015 while other critical sectors -- information and business and professional services -- has surged even as hospitality has grown modestly.

Of course, not every city wins the lottery. Many smaller places continue to suffer, particularly in Appalachia and parts of the Rust Belt. Winners and losers are a natural outgrowth of capitalist competition but increasingly it’s luck, good infrastructure, and favorable development policies that matter, not size.

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